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Platt Chatt - with England Manager David Platt

David, how are preparations going for the European Tournament 2016's first match?

Thanks, yes. Well, I've traveled to France in order to be here in person for the match. That's essential if you're going to be managing a side at an international level.


Glad you agree. I've insisted all the players in the squad come abroad [to France], a lot of the lads were pretty good and had come already, which is great....real motivation from them. A few were worried about making the journey in case they weren't called up onto the pitch to play, but those are the risks you take with this game. .

What about telling them about playing football?

Best thing you can do as manager.


Oh yes.

How will you do it?

Mainly I talk about it, but occasionally I draw them pictures on a whiteboard. Although as nearly all of the guys are professional football players, there's really not much to say. What they don't know about football could be written on the back of a goalie's net!

Well, that's obvious now you say it. Amazing insight into the game for our readers David, thankyou.

Thankyou! Shall I say some things about the ball? I know some good facts about the ball they use.

What formation will you be putting the squad into tonight?

The ball's not a perfect sphere, technically it's an elongated ellipse.

What formation will you be putting the squad into tonight?

That'll depend on where they are at the time. Obviously in the dressing room the guys are free to do what they like, positioning-wise. On the bench it's a case of most of them sitting down, with one or two jumping around sideways next to the pitch.

Great stuff. David Platt, England Manager, thankyou for your time.

The original black and white hexagon pattern was designed by Winston Churchill's grandfather.

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